Affordable and Personalized Altai Adventures
Jolaush Travel is dedicated in providing personalized itinerary that allows you to experience Western Mongolia on your own terms - and on your own individualized budget. We take pride in our flexibility and our ability to create any trip that you want. While these are sample packages to give you an idea of prices, they are simply that... samples. We want you, the travelers, to be excited about planning your own trip - not being bound by dates or prices that don't work for you. Start here for your Altai Adventure... but it's up to you where we go.
Samantha Jones, Project Manager
Samantha Jones, Project Manager

Altai Tavan Bogd
Glacier Trip
Khurgan & Khoton Nuur
National Park Lakes
After a day's jeep ride from the city, choose the number of days that you want to explore the Altai Tavan Bogd National park. Hike to the glacier, climb Malchin Mountain, ride horses, walk on the ice to the White River, or trek across the park....
Base Rates:
4 day adventure $1000 per person
5 day adventure $1200 per person
6 day adventure $1300 per person
*all rates are based on the total price of the trip. Therefore, to find the price per traveler, divide by the number of your group. For example, a group of 5 for a 4 day adventure would be around $200/person... based on extra additions or discounts
Spend time in another part of Altai Tavan Bogd National Park, exploring not only the two beautiful lakes, but also ancient rock painting, stone men, petroglyphs, and stone ruins. There is also great fishing at these lakes....
Base Rates:
4 day adventure $1000 per person
5 day adventure $1150 per person
6 day adventure $1250 per person
*all rate are based on the total price of the trip. Therefore, to find the price per traveler, divide by the number of your group. For example, a group of 4 for a 5 day adventure would be around $287/person... based on extra additions or discounts
These trips are also available, together as one adventure. The recommended minimum would be 6 days to allow your group enough time to see both the glacier and the lakes in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park.
Approximate Price: $1400 per person
*prices are subject to change based on petrol and gasoline costs.

Eagle Festival
Kazakh Traditional Festival
Countryside Visit
With Eagle Hunter Families
In early October, experience the unique culture of Kazakh golden eagle hunting. Witness not only the hunting itself, but traditional games that can be found only in Western Mongolia....
Ticket Price:
$630 per person for 4 days
$700 per person for 5 days
*ticket price includes lodging, food, transportation to and from the festival, guides, translators, and entry to the weekend long festival
Visit with traditional Kazakh eagle hunters in the countryside of Western Mongolia. This can be an individual adventure, or added onto the beginning or end of any trip to Tavan Bogd National Park. Visit the glacier or lakes and an eagle hunter family.....
Base Rates:
1 night with a family $20
*this is in addition to the price of another trip as shown above
1 night trip from Olgii $180 per person
2 night trip from Olgii $250 per person
These trips are also available, together as one adventure. The recommended minimum would be 4 days to allow your group enough time to see the Eagle Festival and spend time with the Kazakh family in the countryside.
Approximate Price: $300 per person

Ad-On Fishing Trip
Go Fishing on another Trip
Mongolian Fishing
Summer or Ice Fishing Trip
While on another trip - such as a trek to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park - spend an extra day or two fishing in the countryside before or after your glacier or lake adventure. Fish at all the best local spots, while eating fresh Mongolian trout....
Base Rates:
1 day fishing $40 per person
2 days fishing $70 per person
*this is in addition to the price of another trip as shown above
Spend time fishing in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. From warm weather lake and river fishing, to winter ice fishing.... Western Mongolia offers some of the best trout fishing you can find....w
Base Rates:
Summer Day Fishing Trip: $120 per person
Summer 2 Day Trip: $170 per person
Summer 3 Day Trip: $220 per person
Winter 2 Day Trip: $1000 per person
Winter 3 Day Trip: $1200 per person
Extras: Make your trip cheaper
Jolaush Travel is always looking to expand its inventory, while making travel easier for those moving on from Western Mongolia. Our company will purchase the following items from you, while deducting the price from your Altai Adventure (all prices are negotiable and fair market value):
Tents Sleeping Bags Mattress/Sleeping Pad Water Canteens
Climbing Equipment Backpacks Fishing Equipment Camping Stoves
Water Purifier Headlamps Rain Gear/Gators Maps/GPS Equipment
Wireless Radios Electronics Cameras Ropes
*all of the above items can be used as deductions to any trip that you design with Jolaush Travel
Travel to Western Mongolia: We will help you get here
Travel to Western Mongolia can be expensive and difficult. Bayan-Olgii is located 1650 km (1025 miles) from the capital Ulaanbaatar (UB). Our contacts in UB will not only pick you up from the airport, but also provide free local lodging if desired, or helping you contact local hotels and guest houses.
There are two options for travel to Bayan-Olgii:
Autobus $40 a 2 - 3 day trip depending on road conditions
*we will not only help purchase your tickets, but also transport you to the bus station
Airplane Varies by airline and company
*we will transport you to the airport and make sure you get checked in to your flight
Mongolian Airlines: